
Dear prejudices: why do the owners of country houses lose millions?

Only 10% of the owners of suburban luxury houses are ready to rent them out. The demand in the suburban luxury rental market is not satisfied with the existing volume of supply. There is a particularly acute shortage of houses for rent in protected cottage settlements at a distance of up to 10 km from the MKAD, with a budget of 300-700 thousand rubles per month.

There are a lot of such offers on the secondary market that would satisfy tenant customers, but their owners prefer to put up with lost profits and pay bills for an empty house that is for sale on their own. At the same time, the period of exposure of the house in the elite country market reaches 2-3 years.

Expenses for the maintenance of real estate in this format amount to an average of 300 thousand rubles per month. This includes paying taxes, monthly maintenance costs, bills from a gardener or a management company that looks after lawns and gardens, as well as cleaning, which is regularly required by the house, even if no one lives in it - and even more so if it is for sale.

Today, any asset must fulfill its main function – to bring money. The lost profit of owners in the suburban market is measured in millions, and sometimes tens of millions of rubles a year, despite the fact that there is a real demand for their objects. The owners do not take into account the fact that very often people buy a house in which they have lived for several years as tenants.

Fear for the safety of repairs and interior items becomes the main reason for the refusal of property owners from renting it out. According to the company, with such an argument, up to 70% of owners who sell their homes refuse to bring objects to the rental market.

The fears of owners are often groundless or exaggerated: they choose tenants themselves, and they can always refuse those who do not inspire confidence. Property damage is saved by insurance, which is recommended to be issued to any owner of the house, even if he is not going to rent it out. It is also worth remembering - if the house is empty, the process of its degradation accelerates, - there are problems with the structure, communications. An uninhabited house requires at least cosmetic repairs in a year.